Monday 25 August 2008


USA: Pete Travis, 2008

IMDB reference


Michael said...

I watched this last night and actually quite enjoyed it. Admittedly, the multiple POVs gimmick did begin to get a bit long in the tooth after the umpteenth rewind back to the start, but clocking in at 90 minutes it didn't really outstay its welcome. A fairly unchallenging but reasonably entertaining diversion, I thought.

Count Fosco said...

I did enjoy it in a lazy, let's just stick anything on and watch it kind of way and your right it does entertain for its 90 mins duration (a feat sorely lacking in most modern Hollywood movies).

However, the over used narrative framing device you refer to and the generic characters meant it felt like a 24 derivative TV movie for me and that makes it an average to good - take it or leave it - movie for me, nothing more, nothing less.