Saturday 14 January 2012


Japan: Satoshi Kon, 1997

(Watched in Japanese with English subtitles)

IMDB reference

Satoshi Kon's PERFECT BLUE was a remarkable film which I'm not sure I fully comprehend on a single viewing. Up with the best Anime I've seen without question. Beautiful art work, mesmerising score and strong thematically: expertly playing around with reality and fantasy.

The Count's Verdict: A great film whether you watch Anime or otherwise with a complex but compelling plot full of emotional intensity. Can see the comparisons to BLACK SWAN and if you liked Aronofsky's film you owe it to yourself to give this film the time of day.

1 comment:

Nyasha said...

Good review! The film is definitely a real eye opener into an idol switching careers in the entertainment industry and how some people can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

Would you also mind reading my take on the film and commenting? There are some things I am confused about and need answers too! Plus to me, it seems like a reflection of the industry!